6 Ways To Develop An Employee Team

6 Ways To Develop An Employee Team

As a business leader or manager, the responsibility of developing an employee’s ability and potential falls upon your shoulders. Businesses have the potential to improve directly through the growth of their employees, which is why it is in the interest of those leading teams and individuals to cultivate them accordingly. 

Many leaders, however, remain reluctant to invest in training or development, largely because they consider the risks of investment too great or, perhaps, remain unsure of the potential benefits. If we are to look at the most successful businesses, we realise that these reasons for hesitation are unfounded and that employee development remains a foundation of success. Here are six ways that businesses are able to potentially develop their teams.

Offer Mentorships

The traditional concept of more experienced professionals cultivating a mentoring relationship with their staff is making a return in the modern business world. Managers are able to share their own expertise and guidance with an employee or employees, offering feedback and training where appropriate. Such relationships are also mutually beneficial, helping to develop the mentor and expanding their own experience as a business leader.


Establishing channels of communication with employees underpins their development. Mistakes are to be expected but they will only be ultimately corrected if supportive feedback is offered. Employees will also be interested to offer their own perspectives when encountering what they believe to be an issue. Additionally, the opportunity for mutual transparency and understanding becomes even more important, as Ross Eades discusses in conversation with People Group Services, during periods of significant changes, such as experienced over the past few years.


Employee and managerial training has the potential to be costly, especially when sought from industry leaders. Despite this, however, it remains popular among organisations and this is because the results are clear and the certifications respected. Much hesitation is said to come from the risk of investing in an employee that then takes their skills elsewhere, however, in many cases, it appears the opposite is true and employees tend to remain more loyal to businesses that engage in their development.

Social Sessions

Downtime may not seem advantageous for a business but it is undeniably conducive to healthy workplace relationships and employee satisfaction. Businesses that endeavour to support positive interpersonal workplace relationships will find that their employees are more satisfied, motivated, and productive. Even something as simple as a social session or activity can be beneficial.

Set Goals

There is a difference between establishing expected outcomes and establishing goals. By focussing on specific targets and achievements, businesses are generally able to push employees further, especially if there is a form of compensation for an extremely positive result. One form of goal setting is career development and many leaders find great success in outlining potential career progression to employees.


Encouraging the development of an employee can be done effectively through delegation. Many employees will rise to the new responsibility while others exceed expectations, both knowing that it can mean greater professional development and reward. This also alleviates managers and leaders of their tasks too, enabling them to focus on their own tasks and potentially new responsibilities too.

